

  • Keywords:
  • Countering Disinformation
  • Media Literacy
  • Digital Security
  • Disinformation
  • Fact-checking
  • Resilience
  • Open Data
  • Digital Activism
  • False narratives
  • OSINT (open-source intelligence)
  • Organizational resilience
  • Languages:
  • English
  • English
Disinformation can spread like fire in today's digital age. To mitigate the threat, the TechSoup Guide on Digital Tools for Countering Disinformation equips activists and CSOs with a range of digital tools to identify, analyze, and counter disinformation effectively.The rapid spread of disinformation threatens societies worldwide. This free-of-charge guide is tailored for activists and CSOs, providing practical knowledge and tools, to navigate and combat digital falsehoods. Whether you're a novice or an expert in countering disinformation, the guide offers valuable insights and step-by-step instructions for everyone.Why is it worth using the Guide on Digital Tools for Countering Disinformation?Head to the guide to get:Comprehensive Tool Overview: Detailed descriptions of tools across various categories, such as social media monitoring, image and video analysis, or cybersecurity.Practical Usage Examples: Real-world scenarios demonstrating how to leverage these tools effectively.User-Friendly Guidance: Step-by-step instructions to ensure tools are accessible to all skill levels.Expert Recommendations: Curated selection based on relevance, effectiveness, and practicality, prepared by TechSoup Experts and Partners.✅🔗 See it for yourself! Dive into the guide and arm yourself with knowledge to promote and protect truth, and accuracy in the digital information space! Download the Guide here!
  • Keywords:
  • Countering Disinformation
  • Disinformation
  • Fact-checking
  • Resilience
  • Personal and Organisational Resilience
  • Digital Activism
  • OSINT (open-source intelligence)
  • Languages:
  • English
  • polski
  • English
Critical Thinking Methods and Tools for Distinguishing Facts from Fakes and DisinformationThis publication offers practical tools for recognizing disinformation and methods for practicing critical thinking. It provides guidance on identifying disinformation online and defending against it, while also enhancing skills in critically understanding content.The publication features insights from fact checkers and digital trolls.It is divided into four parts. The first part outlines six basic rules for verifying information to avoid falling into the trap of false content. The second part includes exercises to develop vigilance and critical thinking habits. The third part provides step-by-step instructions for spotting fake images and videos. The final part is a collection of websites, tools, and applications that assist in this work.
  • Keywords:
  • Resilience
  • Digital Storytelling
  • Online Campaigning
  • Personal resilience
  • Organizational resilience
  • Languages:


Hardened by the Truth: Fact Checkers and the Realities of Resilience

We are faced with many challenges that require organisations to be resilient, characterized by an overwhelming amount of information on various digital platforms, fact-checking organisations have emerged as vital entities in ensuring the accuracy, credibility, and reliability of the information. These organisations help to verify the authenticity of news and information, preventing the spread of false data and disinformation. Fact-checking organisations employ various techniques, including investigative journalism, data analysis, and expert opinions, to scrutinize claims and verify facts. Through their efforts, they help to foster trust between the public and the media while upholding the values of truth and transparency. These organisations play a pivotal role in scrutinizing and debunking false claims, thereby contributing to the preservation of reliable information. While they have demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of numerous challenges, the digital landscape presents a dynamic and evolving battlefield for fact-checkers. This blog explores the challenges faced by fact-checking organisations and the strategies they employ to maintain their resilience in the relentless fight against disinformation.

Duduzile | 6 min read | Dec 30, 2023

Mental Resilience In The Pursuit Of Social Change

How do CSOs remain strong while fighting for equality and justice? What is the importance of mental resistance to civil society? Learn from resilient leaders and cultivate a growth mindset. Throughout history, there have been many world leaders who were once civic society activists and demonstrated exceptional mental resilience in the face of adversity.

Sibongile Ndlovu | 6 min read | Apr 26, 2023

The 6 Most Popular Traps Our Own Mind Can Lead Us to

When you need to make an unbiased, rational decision about something important, try to be aware of your cognitive biases. They are a normal phenomenon in psychology of all humans, but as they may affect your judgement or decisions, it is worth acknowledging their existence and learning some methods of how to overcome their misleading effects.

Hive Mind | 4 min read | Sep 8, 2022

Challenges for "likes" or death.

It has become increasingly common to read news on the internet where young people participate in viral challenges that have harmful consequences for their health or even for the rest of their lives and those of their families.

MAKAIA | 10 min read | Aug 1, 2022

4 Types of Phishing Attacks

Phishing is among the biggest cyber threats facing organizations. According to Proofpoint’s 2021 State of the Phish Report, more than 80% of organizations fell victim to a phishing attack last year.

Hive Mind | 3 min read | May 25, 2022

Free Online Course on Media Literacy

Strengthen your abilities to access and critically analyze information in digital media with the free and self-paced online course: "Think twice: media literacy Online"

MAKAIA | 2 min read | Apr 19, 2022

Women, Violence and Disinformation

Social media platforms allow users to interact in a faster and easier manner. On one hand, this phenomenon helps establishing relationships and bonds beyond physical boundaries, leading to the exchange of information and content of all kinds. It is also not a secret that these platforms offer users tools for commercializing goods, products and services.

CIVIX Colombia | 4 min read | Jan 3, 2022

4 strategies to counteract narratives you find malicious

Have you ever found yourself trying to shape your communication strategy when the cause you’re pleading is surrounded by strong narratives dominating the public sphere with stories full of disinformation, propaganda, or even hatred?

It’s like playing chess with a demanding opponent: you have to pick the right strategy in order to win.

Read on to find out which strategies prove the most effective...

Hive Mind | 2 min read | Dec 12, 2021