
Digital Campaigning Basics

Expert: MobLab Collective

1 h 15 min - 2 h 15 min

Free of charge

MobLab Collective equips social change-makers, communities, and organisations with innovative, collaborative, and participatory approaches to drive systems transformation through people-centred and powered campaigns achieving a just, equitable and sustainable world.
MobLab Collective
Created by experts with years of experience working for Greenpeace and MobLab, Hive Mind's Digital Campaigning Basics course covers core elements of a ‘people-powered’ campaign – a tool for mobilizing mass audiences to support activists causes. Based on real-life examples, you’ll also cover practical tools needed to create your own campaigns.

Join the course and start creating memorable and effective digital campaigns!
MobLab Collective equips social change-makers, communities, and organisations with innovative, collaborative, and participatory approaches to drive systems transformation through people-centred and powered campaigns achieving a just, equitable and sustainable world.
MobLab Collective

For who?

anyone and everyone who is interested in learning the basics of digital campaigning. Whether you're an activist wanting to start your adventure with online campaigns, a trainer who is interested in exploring the topic or you just find it interesting this course is for you!

Key features

- You’ll learn how to recognize tools for making change in the world around you and how to use them effectively
- You’ll look at different types of digital tactics and learn how you can base your online campaigning around a solid theory of change
- You’ll find out how to organise and mobilise your audiences
- You’ll learn more about how to work effectively with allies and audiences
- You’ll draw inspiration from real-life examples of successful campaigns organized over the past few years.